New Customers Your Information First and last name * Email address * Email NOT street address please. Phone number * Address * Your pooch's information Pooch's name * Breed * Age * Weight(est.) * Sex * Shampoo upgrade NoneKeto-Hexadine (medicated) $5Oatmeal $5Hypo-allergenic $5 Shampoo Add-ons Brightening $3 De-Shedding $3 Natural Flea & Tick $3 Deodorizing $3 Anti-Itch $3 Spa Extras Teeth Cleaning $6 Double Bath $25 Ear Sanitizing $5 Nail Grinding $9 Healing Pad Balm $4 Avocado Coat Rub $8 Aloe Foot Soak $3 Facial Scrub $5 Complete Paw Care Package $20 If choosing facial scrub please specify Plum Perfect, Rainforest Clean, or Oatmeal Baking Soda in the "Other Info" section below. Products for Sale Hexadine Spray 16oz $15 Pramoxine Spray 16oz $15 Slicker Brush $10 Tooth Brush $3 Anti-Tear Stain Powder $30 RedDingo ID Tag $14 Visit our "Products & Services" page for more info on these items. Availability * Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Preferred Time of Day * Any9am-12pm12pm-3pm3pm-6pm Other info/dogs reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ